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Do you do any baking? During this time of self-insolation, I have been experimenting with some receipts, sometimes unintentionally like last Saturday morning.

I awoke with the thought that I would make breakfast. Waffles sounded like a simple and enjoyable item. Out came the Betty Crocker Cookbook and I started gathering all the ingredients on the counter. The mix master was a critical item because I have learned that the secret to good waffles is beating the eggs until they are fluffy. Soon the eggs were fluffy, and I added the other ingredients and behold a lovely smooth batter. As I was pouring the mixture on the waffle iron a thought entered my mind. Had I included the Baking Powder? I knew that I added something at that point because I had added a little more. I looked at the items on the counter. Oh no! I had taken the Baking Soda out of the cupboard and used it instead of Baking Powder. Oh well, the results were still edible, and I am enjoying the left-overs as snacks.

When our carefully laid plans go awry it is a great blessing to be able to smile, to laugh with one’s self, and to take action to prevent it happening again. I underlined baking powder in the Cook Book. Happy baking!

Bible reading: Matthew 13: 33-35; Psalm 126