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This is the third part of a One Moment Please trilogy; Faith, Hope, and Love. What is Faith? The Letter to the Hebrews replies, “It is the confident assurance that what we hope for is going to happen. It is the evidence of things we cannot yet see.” In chapter 11 of Hebrews the author reviews the stories of people whose lives were lived on the assurance that, based on God’s character, God would fulfill promises made.

Why is it important to have some knowledge about these heros of old? There are many reasons but the most important for us today is that we, like them, are called to live as people of faith. Scriptures assure us that God is faithful and trustworthy. We are encouraged to turn to God for daily guidance and strength to do our best to walk in the way God directs us, knowing that God is able to bring some long term good out of the worst of circumstances for those people who love God and seek God’s presence.

For example, in hindsight I realize that I failed my first two years at University because I was running away from the path God was calling me to follow. Some years later when I once again heard God’s call and said yes, barriers fell and doors opened to my desire to be trained and fitted for the work God had planned for me to do. Faith, Hope, and Love carried me through. Thanks be to God.  

Bible Reading: Hebrews 11:1-40; Romans 8:26-30