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A new month and a new picture to look at on my Canadian Church Calendar. I turn the page to the month of October. “Hum, I recognize that traditional Anglican looking church building, it’s St. Michael’s Anglican Church in Canmore!” Memories started to arise.

St. Michael’s opened its doors for worship in 1897, miraculously debt free as the church web-site acknowledges, 123 years ago. Ever since it has been lovingly cared for and expanded as need arose. Beautiful as the building is, it is only the outward and visible sign of the true Church, the people of God who call it their spiritual home. They gathered 127 years ago to plan for the building of a church where they could gather to praise God and to give care to the community around them. Today they continue to fulfill their calling to follow our Lord Jesus Christ who came not to be served but to serve, and to give glory to our Father in heaven.

The Church Calendar has reminded me of St. Michael’s and I give thanks to God for the people of St. Michael’s, Canmore, and pray that they will continue to be blessed and to be a blessing.

Bible Reading: Matthew 20: 26-28; 1 Peter 2: 1-10