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When I was a teen I remember that I never said no when someone offered me something to eat. I was very blessed to live in a home where our pantry and ice-box fridge were never completely empty, although I remember a few times when supplies got very scarce. Most of the time there was plenty and my mother would cook up extra items in order to give them to neighbours who were in need. Her example taught me to be concerned about others and to be thankful for what we had.

Fast forward sixty-five years and I realize that life has not changed that much. Teens still appreciate being offered something to eat and many homes experience circumstances where the pantry gets quite bare. Neighbours continue to share supplies with one another and many who are able make donations to local food banks in kind and in cash. During this pandemic we have been remind that our support of the Not-for-Profit organizations which reach out the needy in our community are critical. Let us not grow weary of supporting them in the name of Jesus our Lord.

Bible Reading: Matthew 25:35a