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“Then the king will say to those at his right hand...I was naked and you gave me clothing...” Matthew 25:36. This is number four in the list of actions that the king will consider when examining how we have lived our earthly life. As the cold winter season begins to draw closer it becomes more and more necessary for us to be concerned about those people who are in need of warm winter clothing.

As I look in my closet I can see a winter sweater, a long sleeve flannel shirt, and an unopened package of winter under-ware and socks that I could pass along and still be able to clothe myself warmly in layers when the winter winds blow strongly. Have you looked in your closet?

The Calgary Drop-in Centre, 3640 11a Street NE, is one of the many agencies that would welcome donations of clean warm clothing to give away. Check with your parish church to see if they are collecting items. Maybe your church has a group that knits winter socks, hats, and scarfs to give away at Christmas time. Oh, don’t forget the grand-children whose parents may need a little help during this economic crunch to dress their little ones warmly.

Bible Reading: Isaiah 58:7; James 2:14-17