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There is a story from pre-pandemic times about a little girl skating on an outdoor rink. She glided across the ice making beautiful figure eights. When someone asked her how she had learnt to skate so well, she thought a moment and said, “Every time I fell down I would get back up and try again.” Perseverance is a gift which we all need in order to get through this pandemic one day at a time.

There is a story about Jesus persevering when things were not going too well. The story begins with a group of people challenging Jesus to prove his divinity by performing a miraculous sign for them. This was also a temptation Jesus confronted in the wilderness. Knowing that the group had already made up their minds not to believe in him, Jesus refuses to comply and leaves their town. Then he meets a blind man and he is asked to heal him. Not wishing to make the man a spectacle, Jesus leads him out of the village to where they can be alone. Putting spittle on the man’s eyes Jesus lays his hands on him. At first the man sees only vaguely. Jesus lays his hands on him and prays again. The man is fully healed. Perseverance brought about the desired result.

Let us persevere in our prayers for an end to this pandemic and for God’s blessing on all people.

Bible Reading: Mark 8: 11-13, 22-26