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During the afternoon of Sunday February 7 the closing event marking the United Nations World Interfaith Harmony Week in Calgary took place via the internet. The theme was food!

People from different Faith Groups shared stories of how sharing food plays an important part in their religious practices. There was a cooking demonstration of how to make a delicious dessert called Noah’s Pudding. A special guest was well known author and cook, Julie Van Rosendaal, who reminded us that the diverse nature of Canadian society has blessed us with recipes from around the World. Pot-luck suppers following worship services make it possible for us to share and enjoy new foods and tastes. (However we will have to wait until after the Pandemic before we can safely do this again.) We learned that most faith groups have a variety of special foods to eat during different religious holy days which they celebrate throughout the year. I marked the day by making Banana Oatmeal Raisin Cranberry Chocolate Chip cookies from the One Smart Cookie cook book. God has blessed with an amazing variety of good things to eat and share.

Bible Reading: Psalm 104:27-28, James 2:14-16