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One Moment Please with Bishop Derek Hoskin 1 April 2021
What assurance do we have that when suffering enters our life, God is with us?

Tomorrow, Good Friday, we meditate on the crucifixion of Jesus. We can empathize with him when he says, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” because we have also looked at the darkness around us and ask, “Where is my God?” What hides God’s Light from our sight? Scripture says that it is sin that comes between us and God.

Sin can darken our life because of something we have done or have left undone. It can also come because of societal prejudices and false judgements which choke our life.. Regardless of the source, sin comes between us and God, the Giver of Light and Life.

At Calvary this happened to Jesus. The sins of humankind came between Jesus and his Father in heaven. To forever break the power of sin, the Son chose to suffer according to the Father’s will so that together they could face the curse of sin, and in so doing open the way to eternal life for all people who freely choose to believe in the Son; the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

Did God’s plan succeed? Join a Christian church in worship this Easter Sunday to find out! Bible Reading: Psalm 22; Luke 22:41-42; John 14:6; Romans 6:23