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On Monday this week there was an interesting parade of various weather conditions and feathered friends outside my window.

The day began with sunlight dancing across roofs covered with hoar frost. Soon the soft white sheet was whisked away and the blue sky smiled on the slowly turning green grass. Then I noticed my friends, the Crows, sitting on the fence. They are often in the Schubert Cherry tree foraging for small branches to use in nest building. As I looked at them I realized that they were tugging at string which I had used last Spring to tie up a large flowering bush. The weather weakened string broke and was carried off by the crows to go in the nest. Concerned that they might get entangled in the long string I went out and cut it into smaller lengths and left them on the bush. Sure enough, a couple of hours later the Crows returned and gathered the pieces in their beaks and took them away.

Later in the afternoon, when there was a break in the light snowfall, I was looking at the Schubert and realized that six healthy looking Robins were surveying the yard. Spring has definitely come! Praise the Lord! An interesting day.

Bible Reading: Psalm 96:1-3,11-13, Psalm 136:1-9,25-26