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Sometimes hymns that I learnt as a child unexpectedly come to mind, such as the first verse, with its six lines followed by the three lines of chorus, of this Hymn:

Can a little child like me / Thank the Father fittingly?
Yes, O yes! be good and true, / Patient, kind in all you do;
Love the Lord, and do your part; / Learn to say with all your heart,
Father, we thank thee, / Father, we thank thee, / Father in heaven, we thank thee.

This Hymn is ascribed to the famous children’s author, Mary Mapes Dodge, 1831-1905, and is now in the Public Domain. There are three more verses and can be found in the The Book of Common Praise (Revised 1938), Hymn number 695.

The teaching given in this verse is applicable to all of us, regardless of how many birthdays we have had. Living each day with an attitude of thankfulness for all that comes our way can help us grow in trust and in confidence that God’s loving presence is with us always.

Bible Reading: Matthew 18:1-5, 19:13-15, 21:16, 28: 20b.