“This poor soul cried, and was heard by the Lord, and was saved from every trouble.” Psalm 34:6 (NRSV) was written by King David. He expresses his thankfulness for God’s intervention when, prior to being king, he was on the run from King Saul. He remembers escaping to the Philistine city of Gath, Goliath’s hometown, and being welcomed as a deserter by King Achish until David’s pretence of being insane causes the king to send him away. The Psalm concludes by praising God for caring for those who faithfully take refuge in God regardless of how difficult daily life is.

Herbert Howells (1892-1983) was inspired to compose a Psalm Prelude on Psalm 34:6. The music begins very softly, builds to a climax, and concludes quietly with the strong triumphant chords of salvation; Psalm Preludes, Set 1, Op.32. This music and the story of David are reflected in the experience of Jesus.

After Jesus selected the twelve disciples to join him in his mission, his family tries to intervene and take Jesus home because people were saying, “He has gone out of his mind.” Doing the work God calls you to do, does not mean that life will be challenge-free. It means God’s eternal love will sustain you.

Bible Reading: Psalm 34, 1 Samuel 21:10-22:2, Mark 3:20-21