It may come as a surprise that today we remember the Saints of the Old Testament. How can there be Saints in the Old Testament? Those Scriptures are about people who lived before Jesus was born.

Many of the people in the Old testament were faithful believers and lived their earthly lives trusting in God. Their daily lives are examples for us to learn from. They struggled with the same sort of challenges and temptations the people in the New Testament faced, that you and I face. God’s love for them did not end when they died for they entered into God’s eternal living presence. Jesus acknowledges this when he quotes Exodus to the Sadducees saying, “Long after Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob had died, God said (to Moses) ‘I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob.’ So he is the God of the living, not the dead.” Also, consider the story of the Transfiguration when Moses and Elijah talk with Jesus on the mountain top.

In the Old Testament we read of faithful Hebrew men and women, the ancestors of Christ, who believed that God’s promise to come to redeem the whole world would be fulfilled. Let us thank God for these Saints.

Bible Reading: Exodus 3:6; Matthew 22:31-32; Matthew 17:1-6.