Let us begin by reading Zechariah 3:1-10. This is Zechariah’s fourth Vision. It is a Vision of hope and promise. It speaks to the time in which Zechariah lived and it speaks to our time.

The Vision opens with a judgment scene. Joshua, the high priest in Jerusalem at the time of the rebuilding of the Temple, is on trial as the representative of the people who have returned from captivity. His filthy clothes represent the sins of the nation. Satan the Accuser presses the case. The angel of the Lord rebukes Satan and has Joshua’s filthy clothes removed and dresses him in festal garments with a clean turban on his head. This symbolizes God’s removal of Joshua’s sins and of God giving Joshua a purpose in life—to walk in the ways of the Lord Almighty and to keep the Lord’s requirements. This Vision gave Zechariah hope for his people.

The angel of the Lord speaks of a future time. God’s servant the Branch will come and on a single day the Lord Almighty will remove the sins of the land. 550 years later this came true. Jesus, the Branch of Jesse, gave his life for the sins of the world. Forgiveness is offered to us. Thanks be to God.

Bible Reading: Zechariah 3:1-10, Isaiah 11:1-5, 1 Peter 3:18.